Patient Rights

Patient’s Rights

Patients are entitled to relevant & compassionate consideration throughout the service. No individual shall be precluded from appropriate & caring treatment based on age, gender, color, matrimonial status, ethnicity, payment method, disability, or nationality. Patients have the fundamental right to treatment and care that respects their cultural, religious, and psychological values that may sway how the person comprehends their sickness.

Staff Identification:

Patients are privileged to be apprised of the identity and credentials of those providing them treatment. All personnel should introduce themselves and explain their role in patient care.


Patients are entitled to expect reasonable safety in administering medical treatments and procedures and protection within their environment.

Refusal of Treatments:

Patients possess the prerogative to deny services to whatever degree permissible under applicable laws and must be apprised of the medical ramifications of such a refusal. Individuals who spurn care or treatment are accountable for any ensuing consequences. Suppose a patient’s choice to decline treatment preempts the delivery of proper care following moral and professional norms. In that case, it may be essential to terminate the connection with the patient after providing due notification.

Research, educational or experimental procedures:

As part of their care, patients have the right to gain knowledge on any research or trial procedures that may be suggested. They are also given the option to decline participation in such activities without it having any influence on their treatment plan. Refusing will not interfere with medical care whatsoever.

Service Request

Patients may expect their queries or requests to be handled promptly, affording them complete and precise answers and access to resources or referrals where applicable.

Freedom from restraints:

Patients have a right to autonomy and should not be confined unless there is an imminent risk of harm or injury to themselves or others. The least restrictive approach shall be taken whenever possible when limiting individual freedom. Restraints must be conducted in alignment with applicable laws and regulations.

Confidentiality of records:

Patients can expect that their healthcare and medical history discussions will remain confidential. Such disclosure is only authorized when the patient or their legal representative permits.

Privacy – personal and informational:

Patients can expect privacy and discretion regarding their treatment and care.

Presenting a complaint:

Patients and those associated with them, such as family members or guardians, are entitled to express their dissatisfaction regarding any aspect of service provided by Illinois Autism Center.

Continuity of care:

Patients are entitled to adequate continuity of care, discharge planning, and aftercare instructions. Patients should be made aware of their long-term health needs and presented with solutions for fulfilling them, and they must participate in the discharge planning process.

Information regarding reimbursement charges:

Patients can seek clarification of their payment reimbursement charge, regardless of the payment source.


Patients are entitled to participate in decisions concerning their medical care. They should not be subjected to any procedure without providing voluntary consent, being mentally capable of understanding the circumstances or having a legally authorized representative who can provide consent in their place.

Other rights:

Patients will be made aware when their insurance coverage expires or when payment of their costs by other parties discontinues. To the greatest extent feasible, prior warning will be given. Patients and their families (when applicable) will be informed about the results of treatments, including any unexpected outcomes.

Patients responsibilities:

  • Healthcare is an interdependent venture shared between patients, medical practitioners, and other stakeholders. As well as rights, it is expected that patients do their utmost to fulfill their responsibilities in the most suitable manner possible.
  • Complying with the institution’s regulations and guidelines as described or elucidated in writing.
  • Offer a comprehensive and accurate account of their health issues upon request.
  • Inform the medical professional if there are any doubts or misunderstandings regarding the proposed course of action and what is expected from them.
  • Abide by their healthcare provider (or representative) ‘s prescribed treatment plan.
  • Communicating with their provider or organization representative should any unexpected changes to their state of health appear or if issues arise during treatment.
  • Covering a fee for their care or informing the facility to explore alternative arrangements if they cannot pay.
  • Patients and families have the right to express their concerns about any perceived risks and unexpected changes in the patient’s condition. They are also qualified to receive education on how best to ensure safe care is provided.
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