HIPAA Compliance

Our HIPAA Compliance Program

Illinois Autism Center is devoted to safeguarding confidentiality and maintaining the utmost ethical standards in the industry. Our legal professionals ensure that our agreements with insurers and healthcare regulatory bodies adhere to applicable laws.

Furthermore, we have implemented multiple transparent internal and external policies that strive to ensure the safety of the children under our care. We prioritize the kids of our Chicago ABA therapy hub. In doing so, our staff, techniques, and protocols are all designed with security, morality, and compassion at the forefront.

HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Here at Illinois Center for Autism, we prioritize protecting and disclosing our patients’ Protected Health Information (PHI). We guarantee that all existing, former, and prospective clients’ data is securely kept in encrypted digital records or secure containers on-site. Our staff and personnel are provided with guidance to ensure they remain constantly maintaining the security of customer data.

What is PHI?

Protected Health Information is medical records often collected & could be utilized for identification purposes by an internal or external entity.

This data comprises your name, date of birth, and SSN, which cannot be divulged to external or third parties without your prerogative or by regulations established by law.

Under no circumstances can we reveal Protected Health Information to an outside provider or to anyone without written consent from caregivers.

Notice of Privacy Practices

All current and prospective customers of Illinois Center for Autism will be provided with a Notice of Privacy Practices. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy, including how Protected Health Information is handled at our establishment. Any such revisions shall be posted in the Forms section of our website.

Utilization of Medical Records:

Illinois Center for Autism uses medical records to record health information, formulate care and treatment plans, and execute regular healthcare operations. For example, the insurer may require us to supply them with data concerning treatments and diagnoses given to our patients to invoice for our services. Other healthcare facilities or health plans that review your records must comply with the same privacy regulations and policies required by the Illinois Center for Autism in Chicago.

Medical data can be leveraged to show that a patient necessitates specific medical care, therapies, and amenities (such as laboratory tests, prescriptions, treatment plans, and research study conditions).

âž” We use medical data to design a course of treatment.

âž” We may reveal Protected Health Information to an outside provider for treatment purposes (including consulting physicians, experts, and contractors affiliated with Reinforcement Unlimited).

âž” We may submit claims to your insurance provider containing medical information.

âž” We could contact its utilization review department to acquire pre-approval for treatment.

âž” Where the address on file is no longer valid, we may communicate with them using their emergency contact info that was previously provided.

âž” We can also reach out to you to remind you of an upcoming client session by phone or postcard.

âž” We may reach out to you in order to investigate additional healthcare possibilities or benefits that might be of interest to you.


The Illinois Autism Center has designed a compliance program with the purpose of guaranteeing the safeguarding and regular education essential for all personnel and experts at our establishment. Elements of this system involve:

  • A HIPAA Privacy Officer
  • Back-up Protocols for Data
  • A Code of Conduct/Behavior
  • An Ethics Panel
  • Instruction and Coaching
  • Varied Reporting
  • Supervision
  • Risk Analysis.
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